1. Albert Memorial Guide to Edinburgh. Edinburgh: James Middlemass and Co, 1876.
2. Alison, William. Observations on the Management of the Poor in Scotland and its Effect on the Health in the Great Towns. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1840.
3. Baumgarten, Murray. “‘Picturesque Tourist’ in the Victorian Industrial City: Carlyle, the Stereoscope, and the Social Text.” Carlyle Studies Annual 17 (1997): 61–72.
4. Benjie’s Guide to Edinburgh and Vicinity. Edinburgh: Andrew Elliott, 1878.
5. Bhattacharaya, Sonjay. “Global and Local Histories of Medicine: Interpretative Challenges and Future Possibilities.” The Oxford Handbook of the History of Medicine. Ed. Mark Jackson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. 135–49.