Colonialism and African Migrations


Akurang-Parry Kwabena O.,Indome Isaac


Palgrave Macmillan US

Reference20 articles.

1. Akurang-Parry, Kwabena. “Colonial Wars and Local Internecine Wars: Social Crisis and Migrations in the Asante Frontier, 1873–1886,” unpublished paper.

2. ———. “When I Saw Them I Badly Cried What a Bad Treatment”: The Employment of Gold Coast Canoemen in West Africa, 1900–1935,” unpublished paper.

3. ———. “The Administration of Abolition Laws, African Responses, and Post-Proclamation Slavery in Colonial Southern Ghana, 1874–1940.” Slavery and Abolition 19, no. 2 (1998): 149–66.

4. ———. “‘I Often Shed My Tears About This:’ Freed Slave Children, Apprenticeship Policy, and Africa Responses in the Gold Coast (Colonial Ghana), ca.1890–ca.1930.” In Power of Doubt: Essays in Honor of David Henige, edited by Paul Landau, 147–69. Madison: Parallel Press, 2011.

5. Anthony, Clayton. “The General Strike in Zanzibar, 1948.” Journal of African History 17, no. 3 (1976): 417–34.

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