1. The numbers, as in [18] immediately below, refer to those in the list in Pesaran (1991: 112–123).
2. Stone, J.R.N. (1946). ‘John Maynard Keynes (obituary)’. 17 July. Economisch-Statische Berichten (Amsterdam): 1,523. [18]
3. Stone, J.R.N. and A. Brown (1962). ‘A Long-Term Growth Model for the British Economy’. Paper presented at the IARIW Conference, Tutzing, 1961. Chapter 9 in R.C. Geary (ed.) Europe’s Future in Figures. Amsterdam: North Holland: 287–310. [80]
4. Stone, J.R.N. (1980). ‘Keynes, Political Arithmetic and Econometrics’. Proceedings of the British Academy, 64: 55–92 and separately. [167]
5. Stone, J.R.N. (1980). ‘Political Economy, Economics and Beyond’. Economic Journal, 90(360): 719–736. [179]