1. Knight, Frank Hyneman. 1928. Historical and theoretical issues in the problem of modern capitalism (review article on Der Moderne Kapitalismus. III, by Werner Sombart). Journal of Economic and Business History 1: 119–126.
2. Knight, Frank Hyneman. 1933b. Capitalistic production, time and the rate of return. In Essays in honor of Gustav Cassel, 327–342. London: George Allen & Unwin.
3. Knight, Frank Hyneman. 1934. Capital, time, and the interest rate. Economica 1: 257–286.
4. Knight, Frank Hyneman. 1935a. The ethics of competition and other essays. New York: Harper & Bros. The ethics of competition. Originally published in Quarterly Journal of Economics 37(August, 1923): 579–624.
5. Knight, Frank Hyneman. 1935b. The Ricardian theory of production and distribution. Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science I: 3–25, 171–196.