1. Adorno, Theodor W., and Max Horkheimer (1944/1997) Dialectic of Enlightenment, trans. John Cumming (London: Verso).
2. Allardyce, Gilbert (1979) ‘What Fascism Is Not: Thoughts on the Deflation of a Concept’, American Historical Review 84.2, 367–88.
3. Anderson, Benedict (2006) Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, 2nd edn (London: Verso).
4. Arendt, Hannah (1951/1973) The Origins of Totalitarianism, trans. not cited (New York: Mariner).
5. Benjamin, Walter (1935/1969) ‘The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction’, in Illuminations, ed. Hannah Arendt, trans. Harry Zohn (New York: Schocken), pp. 211–44.