1. Baptiste, A.K. 2013a. Climate change adaptation among small scale fishers in Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica. Caribbean Geography 18: 39–63.
2. Baptiste, A.K. 2013b. Local versus expert perception of climate change: An analysis of fishers in Trinidad and Tobago. In Cases on the diffusion and adoption of sustainable development practices, ed. H.E. Muga and K.D. Thomas. Hersey: IGI Global.
3. Baptiste, A.K. 2014. “Experience is a great teacher”: Citizens’ reception of a proposal for the implementation of green infrastructure as stormwater management technology. Community Development 45(4): 337–352.
4. Baptiste, A.K. forthcoming-a. Of starving horses and growing grass: Resilience versus dependency in a Caribbean fishing community. In World turning!: New perspectives on race, class, gender, and global climate change and sustainability, ed. P.C. Godfrey and D. Torres. New York: Routledge.
5. Baptiste, A.K. forthcoming-b. Comparative vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies of Caribbean fishers: The case of Old Harbour Bay, Jamaica. In The Caribbean region: Adaptation and resilience to global change, ed. D. McGregor, D. Barker, K. Rhiney, and T. Edwards. Mona: University of the West Indies Press.