1. Ball, M. (2013a). Heteronormativity, homonormativity, and violence. In K. Carrington, M. Ball, E. O’Brien, & J. Tauri (Eds.), Crime, justice, and social democracy: International perspectives (pp. 186–199). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
2. Ball, M. (2013b). The use of “queer” in criminal justice discourses. In K. Richards & J. Tauri (Eds.), Crime, Justice and Social Democracy: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference (Vol. 1, pp. 1–9). Brisbane: Crime and Justice Research Center, QUT.
3. Ball, M. (2014a). Queer criminology, critique, and the “art of not being governed”. Critical Criminology: An International Journal, 22(1), 21–34.
4. Ball, M. (2014b). What’s queer about queer criminology? In D. Peterson & V. R. Panfil (Eds.), Handbook of LGBT communities, crime, and justice (pp. 531–555). New York: Springer.
5. Ball, M. (in press). The ethics of queer/ing criminology: The case of the “Prison of Love”. In B. Scherer (Ed.), Queering paradigms VI. Bern: Peter Lang.