1. A contract of sale of specified goods to be manufactured with an obligation on the manufacturer to deliver them on completion. It is a condition in Istisna’a that the seller provides either the raw material or the cost of manufacturing the goods.
2. A contract for the purchase of a commodity for deferred delivery in exchange for immediate payment.
3. Bessis, J. (1998) Risk Management in Banking. Chichester: Wiley.
4. Oldfield, G. and Santamero, A. (1997) Risk management in financial institutions. Sloan Management Review 39 (1): 33–46.
5. A form of contract in which one party (the rab-al-maal) brings capital and the other (the mudarib) personal effort. The proportionate share in profit is determined by mutual consent, but the loss, if any, is borne by the owner of the capital, unless the loss has been caused by negligence or violation of the terms of the contract by the mudarib. A mudaraba is typically conducted between an Islamic financial institution or fund as mudarib and investment account holders as providers of funds.