1. The Times, 20 Nov. 1871, cit. W.F. Monypenny and G.E. Buckle, The Life of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield (London: John Murray, 1910–20), vol. 5, 171.
2. B. Disraeli, Lord George Bentinck (London: John Murray, 1852), 10.
3. The Spectator, 7 Feb. 1874, cit. R. Shannon, The Age of Disraeli, 1868–1881: The Rise of Democracy (London: Longman, 1992), 177.
4. Gladstone to Granville, 9 Sep. 1873, cit. A. Ramm (ed.), The Gladstone-Granville Correspondence (Cambridge: Camden Classic Reprints, vol. 5, Royal Historical Society, 1998), 407.
5. H.C.G. Matthew (ed.), The Gladstone Diaries, Volume 8: July 1871-December 1874 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982), 299.