1. Bellofiore, R. (1985) ‘Money and Development in Schumpeter’, Review of Radical Political Economics, no. 1–2, pp. 21–40.
2. Also in John Cunningham Wood, (ed.), Joseph Alois Schumpeter: Critical Assessments, IV (London: Routledge, 1991), pp. 371–94.
3. Bellofiore, R. (1992) ‘Monetary Macroeconomics before The General Theory. The circuit theory of money in Wicksell, Schumpeter and Keynes’, Social Concept, no. 2, pp. 47–89.
4. Bellofiore, R. (1998) ‘Between Wicksell and Hayek. Mises’ Theory of Money and Credit Revisited’, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, October, pp. 531–78.
5. Graziani, A. (2002) Teoria economica: Macroeconomia, 5th edn, Naples: ESI.