1. Norman Gash, Mr Secretary Peel: The Life of Sir Robert Peel to 1830 (1961)
2. id., Sir Robert Peel: The Life ofSir Robert Peel after 1830 (1972)
3. Derek Beales, 'Peel, Russell and Reform', HJ, 17 (1974), 873-82.
4. Boyd Hilton, 'Peel: A Reappraisal', HJ, 22 (1979), 585-614
5. id., 'The Ripening of Robert Peel', in Michael Bentley ed., Public and Private: Essays in British History presented toMaurice Cowling (Cambridge,1993), 63-84. An excellent, up-to-date survey of Peel's life and legacy is provided in T.A. Jenkins, Sir Robert Peel (Basingstoke, 1999).