1. On the Lombard kingdom under Desiderius, see C. Wickham, Early Medieval Itlay: Central Power and Local Society, 400–1000 (London, 1981), pp. 46–7
2. J. Jarnut, Geschichte der Langobarden (Stuttgart, 1982), pp. 116–24
3. N. Christie, The Lombards (Oxford, 1995), pp. 105–7
4. D. Harrison, ‘The Lombards in the early Carolingian epoch’, in Charlemagne and his Heritage: 1200 Years of Civilisation and Science in Europe, ed. P. Butzer, M. Kerner and W. Oberschelp, 2 vols (Turnhout, 1997), I, pp. 125–54
5. On Lombard Pavia, see D.A. Bullough, ‘Urban changes in early medieval Italy: the example of Pavia’, Papers of the British School at Rome 34 (1966), pp. 82–130