1. See Sir John Crawford, ‘Australian Trade Policy: Comment and Question’, Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 3, no. 1, July 1959, 1–10.
2. See Keith O, Campbell, ‘Some Reflections on Agricultural Investment’, The Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 2, no. 2, December 1958, 98–99;
3. H. W. Arndt and Burgess Cameron, ‘An Australian Consumption Function’, The Economic Record, vol. XXXIII, no. 64, April 1957, 108–115.
4. See, for example, F. H. Gruen, ‘Capital formation in Australian Agriculture’, Proceedings of the Conference of Agricultural Economists, Sydney, February 1957, 107; R. A. Pearse, ‘An Empirical Micro-Study of Some Factors Influencing Farm Net Investment’, The Economic Record, vol. XXXI, no. 61, November 1955, 271; Keith O. Campbell, op. cit., 102,
5. F. G. Jarrett and D. H. Penny, An Economic Survey of the Reclaimed Area of the Lower Murray (Adelaide: Griffin Press, 1960 g).