1. R. Schwoebel, The Shadow of the Crescent: the Renaissance Image of the Turk, 1453–1517 (Nieuwkoop, 1967).
2. J. Hankins, ‘Renaissance Crusaders: Humanist Crusade Literature in the Age of Mehmed II’, Dumbarton Oaks Papers 49 (1995), 111–207.
3. N. Housley, Religious Warfare in Europe, 1400–1536 (Oxford, 2002), esp. 131–59.
4. For his life and works, see R. Arbesmann, ‘Andrea Biglia, Augustinian Friar and Humanist († 1435)’, Analecta Augustiniana 28 (1965), 154–85.
5. But see D. Webb, ‘The Decline and Fall of Eastern Christianity: A Fifteenth-Century View’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 49 (1976), 198–216.