1. Notable examples include: Cook, Decline; M. Pelling, The Common Lot (1998); idem, Conflicts; Porter, Progress; Porter, Health. On the legal constraints to the marketplace: C. Crawford, ‘Patients’ Rights and the Law of Contract in Eighteenth-Century England,’ SHM, 13 (2000), 381–410. On problems with interpretations of the effects of competition, see Wilson in this volume.
2. Park’s more corporatist ‘medical marketplace’ was the first instance of this: K. Park, Doctors and Medicine in Early Renaissance Florence (Princeton, 1985).
3. See also: D. Gentilcore, Healers and Healing in Early Modern Italy (Manchester, 1998);
4. L. Brockliss and C. Jones, The Medical World of Early Modern France (Oxford, 1997).
5. On contracts: G. Pomata, Contracting a Cure (Baltimore, 1998); Pelling, Conflicts.