1. 1. Frederic J. Fleron and Erik P. Hoffman, Post-Communist Studies and Political Science: Methodology and Empirical Theory in Sovietology, Boulder, CA, Oxford, 1993.
2. Personal communication, 9 May 1996, PhD viva.
3. Peter Rutland suggested a seventh paradox: ‘Everybody voted in favour but the system collapsed’.
4. 4. Joseph S. Berliner, Factory and Manager in the USSR, Cambridge, MA, 1957, p. 182.
5. According to Berliner, anecdotes such as ‘Blat is higher than Stalin’ and ‘You’ve got to have ZIS (znakomstvo i sviazi)’ were common currency. See J. Berliner, ‘Blat is higher than Stalin’, Problems of Communism, 3(1), 1954.