1. William Shakespeare, [Richard 2] The Tragedie of King Richard the Second, STC 22307 (Q1) BEPD 141a (London: Valentine Simmes for Andrew Wise, 1597), A1r.
2. William Shakespeare, [Troilus and Cressida] The Historie of Troylus and Cresseida. As it Was Acted, Etcetera, STC 22331 BEPD 279a1 (Qa) (London: George Eld for Richard Bonian and Henry Walley, 1609), A1r.
3. William Shakespeare, [Troilus and Cressida] The Famous Historie of Troylus and Cresseid, STC 22332 BEPD 279a2 (Qb) (London: George Eld for Richard Bonian and Henry Walley, 1609), ¶1r.
4. Gary Taylor, ‘Troilus and Cressida: Bibliography, Performance, and Interpretation’, Shakespeare Studies, 15 (1982), 99–136 (pp. 118–21).
5. C. J. Sisson, ‘Shakespeare Quartos as Prompt-copies’, Review of English Studies, 18 (1942), 129–43.