1. Hill, C. and Smith, K. E. (eds) (2000), p. 168, European Foreign Policy: Key Documents (London: Routledge). See also,
2. Hill, C. (1998) ‘Closing the Capabilities-expectations Gap’, in, J. Peterson and H. Sjursen (eds) A Common Foreign Policy for Europe? (London: Routledge), pp. 18–38.
3. Bonvicini, G. (1998), p. 70, ‘Making European Foreign Policy Work’, in M. Westlake (ed.) The European Union beyond Amsterdam: New Concepts of European Integration (London: Routledge), pp. 61–75.
4. Edwards, G. (1992), ‘European Responses to the Yugoslav Crisis: An Interim Assessment’, in R. Rummel (ed.) Toward Political Union (Baden Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft), pp. 165–190;
5. Hill, C. (1993), ‘The Capabilities-Expectations Gap or Conceptualizing Europe’s International Role’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 31/3: 305–328.