1. Boris N. Mironov, ‘Peasant Popular Culture and the Origins of Soviet Authoritarianism’, Cultures in Flux: Lower-Class Values, Practices and Resistance in Late Imperial Russia, ed. Stephen P. Frank and Mark D. Steinberg (Princeton, NJ., 1994), 57.
2. Christine D. Worobec, Peasant Russia: Family and Community in the Post-Emancipation Period (Princeton, NJ., 1991), 119.
3. Maks Fasmer, Etimologicheskii slovar’ russkogo iazyka, 2 vols (Moscow, 1967), 2, 671.
4. R. E. Zelnik, trans. and ed., A Radical Worker in Tsarist Russia: the Auto-biography of Semen Ivanovich Kanatchikov (Stanford, 1986), 4–5.
5. Jeffrey Burds, ‘The Social Control of Peasant Labor in Russia: the Response of Village Communities to Labor Migration in the Central Industrial Region, 1861–1905’, Peasant Economy, Culture and Politics of European Russia, 1800–1921, ed. Esther Kingston-Mann and Timothy Mixter (Princeton, N.J., 1992), 55, 57.