1. Osungbade, K.O. and Oni, A.A. (2014) Outbreaks of Ebola virus disease in the West African sub-region. African Journal of Medicine & Medical Sciences 43 (2): 87–97.
2. Onajole, A.T. (2014) Social mobilisation – the next step (the Ebola experience). State Public Lectures for the EVD Control, Lagos State, August.
3. Asuzu, M.C. (2014) Ebola virus disease in Nigeria: some basics of its clinical epidemiology and disease control for the national health systems. Key note address at the Nigerian Medical Association National Executive Delegates Committee meeting; August, Awka.
4. Asuzu, M.C. (2014) Ebola virus disease in Nigeria: the facts, the fictions and the things to know for the now and the future, for self, for family and for national security. Public lecture at the Bayelsa State-wide programme on the EVD, University of Ibadan Alumni Association in collaboration with the Bayelsa State Government, September.
5. Asuzu, M.C. (2014) War against the Ebola virus disease in Nigeria: counting our successes and scaling up on it. Key note address at the National Nigeria Medical Association Week; October, Abuja.