1. Adorno, T.W. (1978) Minima Moralia: Reflections from Damaged Life. Translated by E.F.N. Jephcott. London: Verso.
2. Adorno, T.W. (1991a) On Epic Naiveté. In: Notes to Literature, Vol. I. Translated by S.W. Nicholsen. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
3. Adorno, T.W. (1991b) The Essay as Form. In: Notes to Literature, Vol. I. Translated by S.W. Nicholsen. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
4. Adorno, T.W. (1998) The meaning of working through the past. In: Critical Models: Interventions and Catchwords. Translated by H.W. Pickford. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
5. Bahktin, M. (1981) Epic and the novel. In: The Dialogic Imagination. Translated by M. Holquist. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.