1. İrfan Orga, Portrait of a Turkish Family (London: Victor Gollancz, 1950), 31.
2. Olivier Bouquet, “L’Autobiographie par l’État ches les derniers ottomans,” Turcica 38 (2006): 251–79.
3. Edhem Eldem, “L’écrit funéraire ottoman: création, reproduction, transmission,” REMMM 75 -6 (1995) Oral et écrit dans le monde turco-ottoman, 65–6.
4. See, for example, Ahmed Midhat, Diplomali kiz. Letaif-i rivayat. (Istanbul: Kirkambar Matbaasi, 1307[1891]), 4, for just one of thousands of examples.
5. For a similar approach to the relationship between autobiography and learning to read, see Gretchen R. Galbraith, Reading Lives: Reconstructing Childhood, Books, and Schools in Britain, 1870–1920 (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 1997).