1. Martin Seymour-Smith, Guide to Modern World Literature (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1974) p. xviii.
2. Peter Medawar, The Hope of Progress (London: Methuen, 1972).
3. J. Chin, in ‘Current and future dimensions of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in women and children’, Lancet, 336, 1990, pp. 221–4.
4. G. C. Schild and E. J. Stott, ‘Where are we now with vaccines against AIDS?’, British Medical Journal, 306, 1993, pp. 947–8.
5. This movement is discussed in Rainer Friedrich’s critique of the postmodernists: ‘The Deconstructed Self in Artaud and Brecht’, Forum for Modern Language Studies, xxvi, 1990, pp. 282–95.