1. Pedro Voltes Bou (1964), La Guerra de Sucesion en Valencia (Valencia: Instituto Valenciano de Estudios Históricos), pp. 24–5.
2. Pedro Voltes Bou (1967), L’Arxiduc Carles dilustria: Rei dels Catalans (Barcelona: Editorial Aedos), pp. 25–38.
3. José Luis Cervera Torrejón (2006), Joan Babtista Basset: Vida i Mort del Lider Maulet (València: 3i4), p. 163. This date marks the historic ‘end of the Catalan nation’ as it marked the end of the principality of Catalonia within the kingdom of Aragon, the suspension of the Catalan government and the introduction of Castilian rule.
4. See also J. Nadal Farreras (1977), L’Onze de Septembre i el Centralisme Borbònico (Barcelona), p. 24.
5. See details of the ‘pactum mutuae successionis, 12 September 1703’ in Gustav Turba, ‘Zur Pragmatischen Sanktion: Vorläufige Mitteilung’, 1909, bound in Gustav Turba (1906), Die Pragmatische Sanktion: Neues zur Entstehung und Interpretation 1703–1744 (Vienna: Kaiserlich-Königlicher Schulbuch Verlag), pp. 319–20.