1. For the 1990 elections, see China Times, 22–23 December 1990. For the 1992 elections, see Chinese Times, 20–21 December 1992; Linda Gail Arrigo, “A Brief Report on Taiwan’s National Legislative Yuan Elections, 19 December 1992”, Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 25:1 (January–March 1993) pp. 34–41;
2. Julian Baum, “The Hollow Centre: Poll Result Undermines President’s Power”, Far Eastern Economic Review (7 January 1993) pp. 14–15;
3. Nicholas D. Kristof, “Taiwan Election Helps Opposition: Governing Party’s Majority Sharply Pared in Vote — A ‘New Era’ Is Seen”, New York Times (20 December 1992 ).
4. For the 1993 elections, see China Times (28–29 November 1993); Julian Baum, “Democracy Banquet: President Lee Leads Ruling Party to Victory”, Far Eastern Economic Review (9 December 1994) p. 21.