1. Attiyeh, R.E., G.L. Bach and K.G. Lumdsen (1969) ‘The efficiency of programmed learning in teaching economics: the results of a nationwide experiment, American Economic Review (May).
2. Bowen, H.R. and G.K. Douglass (1971) Efficiency in Liberal Education (New York: McGraw-Hill).
3. Breneman, D.W. (1971) ‘The PhD production process’, paper presented to the National Bureau for Economic Research Conference on Education as an Industry.
4. Breneman, D.W. (ed.) (1971) Internal Pricing Within the University – A Conference Report, Office of the Vice-President (Planning), University of California (December).
5. Byatt, I.C.R. and AV. Cohen (1969) An Attempt to Quantify the Economic Benefits of Scientific Research, Department of Education and Science (London: HMSO).