1. James Fairhead and Melissa Leach, Misreading the African Landscape. Society and Ecology in a Forest-Savanna Mosaic (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996);
2. James Fairhead and Melissa Leach, Reframing Deforestation. Global Analysis and Local Realities: Studies in West Africa. (London: Routledge, 1998).
3. Fairhead and Leach, Reframing Deforestation; W. D. Hawthorne, ‘Holes and the Sums of Parts in Ghanaian Forest: Regeneration, Scale and Sustainable Use’, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 104B (1996), pp. 75–176;
4. Jean Maley, ‘A Catastrophic Destruction of African Forests about 2,500 Years Ago Still Exerts a Major Influence on Present Vegetation Formations’, IDS Bulletin, 33, 1 (2002), 13–30;
5. Ulrich Salzmann and Philipp Hoelzmann, ‘The Dahomey Gap: An Abrupt Climatically Induced Rain Forest Fragmentation in West Africa During the Late Holocene’, The Holocene, 15, 2 (2005), pp. 190–99.