1. A well- known medieval discussion of these two genres is in the Speculum astronomiae ch. 11, P. Zambelli, C. F. S. Burnett, K. Lippincott and D. Pingree, eds (Dordrecht, 1982), 240–51. Here ‘abominable’ Hermetic magic is especially associated with suffumigations and invocations, while ‘detestable’ Solomonic magic is linked to inscribing characters and exorcising them by certain names. On this distinction, see D. Pingree, ‘Learned Magic in the Time of Frederick II’, in Le scienze alle corte de Federico II, Micrologus, 2 (1994), 39–56
2. N. Weill-Parot, Les ‘images astrologiques’ au Moyen Age et à la Renaissance. Spéculations intellectuelles et practiques magiques (Paris, 2002 ), 40–62.
3. See C. Burnett, ‘The Establishment of Medieval Hermeticism’, in The Medieval World, eds, P. Linehan and J. L. Nelson (London and New York, 2001 ), 111–30
4. P. Lucentini and V. Perrone Compagni, I testi e i codici di Ermete nel Medioevo (Florence, 2001 )
5. V. Perrone Compagni, ‘I testi magici di Ermete’, in P. Lucentini, I. Parri and V. Perrone Compagni, eds, Hermetism from late antiquity to humanism (Turnhout, 2003 ), 505–33.