1. Pierre Muller, Airbus Industrie, L’Ambition Européenne: Logique d’Etat, Logique de Marché, Paris: Commissariat Général du Plan and L’Harmattan, 1989.
2. See also, Mathew Lynn, Birds of Prey: Boeing v Airbus, London: Heinemann, 1995;
3. Ian McIntyre, Dogfight: The Transatlantic Battle Over Airbus, Westport: Praeger, 1992.
4. Franklyn Griffiths, ‘A tendency analysis of Soviet policy-making’ in G. Skilling and F. Griffiths (eds), Interest Groups in Soviet Politics, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971, pp. 335–77.
5. Judith Goldstein, ‘The impact of ideas on trade policy: the origins of US agricultural and manufacturing policies’, International Organization, 43(1), Winter 1989, pp. 31–71.