1. Forsyth Hardy, ‘The British Documentary Film’, in Michael Balcon, Ernest Lindgren, Forsyth Hardy and Roger Manvell, Twenty Years of British Film 1925–1945 (London, 1947), p.45.
2. Arts Enquiry, The Factual Film: A Survey sponsored by the Dartington Hall Trustees (London, 1947), p.11.
3. Paul Rotha, Documentary Film (London, 4th edn 1968 [1936]), p.97.
4. Roger Manvell, Film (Harmondsworth, rev. edn 1946 [1944]), p.133.
5. Paul Rotha, with Richard Griffith, The Film Till Now: A Survey of World Cinema (London, rev. edn 1967 [1930; 1949]), pp.555–6.