1. Marilyn Butler, ed., Burke, Paine, Godwin, and the Revolution Controversy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984) 185.
2. Daniel Isaac Eaton, ‘King Chaunticlere; or, The Fate of Tyranny’, Politics for the People; or, Hog’s Wash 8 (1793): 103.
3. Boyle C. Thelwall, The Life of John Thelwall, by his Widow (London: John Macrone, 1837) 110–11.
4. John Barrell, Imagining the King’s Death: Figurative Treason, Fantasies of Regicide 1793–1796 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000) 103–8
5. Jon Mee, ‘“Examples of Safe Printing”: Censorship and Popular Radical Literature in the 1790s’, Literature and Censorship, ed. Nigel Smith (Woodbridge: D.S. Brewer, 1993) 81–95