1. E. G. Robeson (1945) African Journey (New York: The John Day Company).
2. Carol Anderson (2003) Eyes off the Prize — The United Nations and the African American Struggle for Human Rights, 1944–1955 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 16–17.
3. F. Neugebauer, ‘Freedom Needs No Passport — The People’s War Extends African Civil Rights’, YMCA, Yergan Papers, CAA Publicity 1942–44. Neugebauer was a South African who travelled to the US in 1937 to work as Yergan’s personal assistant — see Brian Urquhart (1998) Ralph Bunche: An American Oddyessy (New York: WW. Norton), pp. 66–7.
4. J. Seekings (2005) ‘Visions, Hopes and Views About the Future: The Radical Moment of South African Welfare Reform’, in Jeeves and Dubow South Africa’s 1940s — Worlds of Possibilities (Cape Town: Double Storey), pp. 44–63.
5. Christian Council of South Africa (1942) Christian Reconstruction in South Africa (Fort Hare: CCSA), p. 25.