1. Edward Hall (1542), Dedication to the King, The Union of the Two Noble and Illustre Families, quoted in Lily B. Campbell (1964), Shakespeare’s Histories: Mirrors of Elizabethan Policy (London: Methuen), p. 69.
2. Hermann Lübbe (1983), ‘Der Nationalsozialismus im politischen Bewusstsein der Gegenwart’, in Martin Broszat, Ulrich Dübber and Walther Hofer (eds), Deutschlands Weg in die Diktatur (Berlin: Siedler), pp. 329–49.
3. Randolph S. Churchill (ed.) (1948), The Sinews of Peace. Post-War Speeches by Winston S. Churchill (London: Cassell), p. 200. I would like to thank Marco Duranti for drawing my attention to this.
4. Rainer Blasius (2009), ‘Der gute Wille muss auch anerkannt werden’, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 60, 12 March, p. 21.
5. Geoffrey H. Hartman (ed.) (1986), Bitburg in Moral and Political Perspective (Bloomington, IN: John Wiley & Sons).