1. Amnesty International (2005) Nepal: Children Caught in the Conflict, London: Amnesty International Secretariat Report, p. 2.
2. Aryal, S. (2008) Use of Child Soldiers in Nepal: A Causal Analysis. Dissertation submitted to Mahidol University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts (Human Rights) (Thailand: Mahidol University), p. 62.
3. CAAFAG Working Group (2006) Situation of CAAFAG: Nepal: A Community Assessment and understanding (Kathmandu: CAAFAG Working Group), p. 1.
4. CWIN (2007) Fact Sheet: Children in Armed Conflict,
, date accessed 25 May 2010.
5. Hart, J. (n.d.) Conflict in Nepal and its Impact on Children (Oxford: Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford University), p. 9.