1. H. J. Morgenthau ([1946] 1965) Scientific Man versus Power Politics (Chicago: University of Chicago Press), pp. 189, 209; Kamila Stullerova ‘Tragedy and Political Theory: Progressivism without an Ideal’, Chapter 9, this volume, pp. 112–126.
2. I. L. Janis and L. Mann (1977) Decision Making: A Psychological Analysis of Conflict, Choice, and Commitment ( New York: Free Press);
3. R. N. Lebow (1981) Between Peace and War: The Nature of International Crisis ( Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press ), Chapters 4–5.
4. R. N. Lebow (2003) The Tragic Vision of Politics: Ethics, Interests and Orders ( Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ), Chapter 3–4.
5. M. Oakeshott (1996) Religion, Politics and the Moral Life ( ed.) by Tim Fuller (New Haven: Yale University Press ), p. 107.