1. On these issues see R. Williams (1966) Modern Tragedy ( Stanford: Stanford University Press ), pp. 32–61;
2. T. Eagleton (2003) Sweet Violence: The Idea of the Tragic ( Oxford: Blackwell ), pp. 18–22, 204–9;
3. C. Rocco (1997) Tragedy and Enlightenment: Athenian Political Thought and the Dilemmas of Modernity ( Berkeley: University of California Press ), pp. 1–7.
4. See, in general, C. Calame (2005) ‘The Tragic Choral Group: Dramatic Roles and Social Functions’, in R. W. Bushnell (ed.) A Companion to Tragedy ( Oxford: Blackwell ).
5. R. Scodel (2005) ‘Tragedy and Epic’, in Bushnell (ed.) A Companion to Tragedy, pp. 164–5, 192; Euben (1990) Tragedy of Political Theory, p. 57.