1. See D.A. Hay, Economics today, Leicester, 1989, ch.7, §3, esp. p. 260 and sources cited in fn.31. For a different form of protectionism, see above, ch.9, §9.4. For protectionism under guise of high-mindedness, see Samuel Brittan, Capitalism with a Human Face , Aldershot, 1995, p.222.
2. E.Auterio and V.Tesio, “The Internationalisation of management in Fiat”, The Journal of Management Development , vol.9 no.6, 1980.
3. K.A.Barham and S.Wills, “Management across Frontiers”, Ashridge Research Group , 1992.
4. J. Graverau, “Japanese Management”, The Financial Times Handbook of Management , ed. Stuart Crainer, 1995. See further an Indian example from F.G.Bailey’s Stratagems and Spoils, quoted in ch.12, §12.3.(p.194 of Dec 95)
5. See, for example, Geoff Winestock, “Strong Arms and the Law”, Business Russia , Economist Intelligence Unit, London, July 1995, vol.1, no.4, p.1.