1. W. Montgomery Watt (1972), The Influence of Islam on Medieval Europe (Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press), pp. 9–10.
2. N. R. F. Al-Rodhan (2009), Sustainable History and the Dignity of Man. A Philosophy of History and Civilisational Triumph (Berlin: LIT), pp. 142–3, 148.
3. De Lacy O’Leary (2003), Arabic Thought and Its Place in History (New York: Dover Publications), p. 105.
4. M. Graham (2006), How Islam Created the Modern World (Maryland: Amana Publications), p. 159.
5. See, for example, J. A. Makdisi (1999), ‘The Islamic Origins of the Common Law’, North Carolina Law Review, Vol. 77, No. 5, pp. 1635–739.