1. S. Berger, M. Donovan and K. Passmore (eds) (1999) Writing National Histories: Western Europe since 1800 (London: Routledge).
2. In the space available here, I cannot do full justice to Borussianism or the federal tradition in modern German political history. For a recent discussion, see A. Green (2003) ‘The federal alternative? A new view of modern German history’, Historical Journal, XLVI, 187–202.
3. P. Kennedy (1980) The Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 1869–1914 (London: Allen & Unwin);
4. B. Stuchtey and P. Wende (eds) (2000) British and German Historiography, 1750–1950: Traditions, Perceptions and Transfers (Oxford: Oxford University Press);
5. D. Geppert, R. Gerwarth (eds) (2008) Wilhelmine Germany and Edwardian Britain: Essays on Cultural Affinity (Oxford: Oxford University Press).