1. Fidler, D. (2005) The meaning of Moscow: “Non-lethal” weapons and international law in the early 21st century. International Review of the Red Cross, Vol. 87, No. 859, September 2005, pp. 525–52.
2. Advocate literature during the 1990s included Morris, C. and Morris, J. (1991) Nonlethality: A Global Strategy White Paper. Washington, DC: US Global Strategy Council
3. Council on Foreign Relations (1995) Non-Lethal Technologies: Military Options and Implications. Report of an Independent Task Force. New York: Council on Foreign Relations
4. Morehouse, D. (1996) Nonlethal Weapons: War without Death. Westport: Praeger
5. Alexander, J. (1999) Future War: Non-Lethal Weapons in Twenty-First-Century Warfare. New York: St. Martin’s Press