1. Bowden, Richard, and Susan Broadhurst. (2001). Interaction, Reaction and Performance. Brunei University,
jeremiah, accessed January 2006.
2. Bowden, Richard, Pakorn Kaewtrakulpong, and Martin Lewin. (2002). ‘Jeremiah: The Face of Computer Vision’. Smart Graphics, 2nd International Symposium on Smart Graphics. Hawthorn, NY: ACM International Conference Proceedings Series: 124–8.
3. Broadhurst, Susan. (1999). Liminal Acts: A Critical Overview of Contemporary Performance and Theory. London: Cassell/New York: Continuum.
4. Broadhurst, Susan, dir. (2001). Blue Bloodshot Flowers. Performer: Elodie Berland. Music by David Bessell. Technology provided by Richard Bowden. Brunei University (June); The 291 Gallery, London (August).
5. Broadhurst, Susan. (2002). ‘Blue Bloodshot Flowers: Interaction, Reaction and Performance’. Digital Creativity 13 (3): 157–63.