1. D. Cannadine, The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy (New Haven, 1990), pp. 710–11.
2. Ibid., pp. 9, 54–5, 710–11. For a detailed discussion of Sutherland, see A. M. Tindley, ‘The Sutherland Estate, c. 1860–1914: Aristocratic Decline, Estate Management and Land Reform’ (PhD thesis, Edinburgh, 2006).
3. J. S. Grant, A Shilling for your Scowl: The History of a Scottish Legal Mafia (Stornoway, 1992); Report of the So-Called Bernera Rioters at Stornoway, on the 17th and 18th of July 1874 (n. p., 1874).
4. The dispute over foreshore rights is discussed in J. MacAskill, ‘“The Most Arbitrary, Scandalous Act of Tyranny”: The Crown, Private Proprietors and the Ownership of the Scottish Foreshore in the Nineteenth Century’, Scottish Historical Review, 85 (2006), 277–304.
5. A. Newby, ‘Edward McHugh, the National Land League of Great Britain and the “Crofters’ War”, 1879–1882’, Scottish Historical Review, 82 (2003), 74–91; idem, ‘“Scotia Major and Scotia Minor”: Ireland and the Birth of the Scottish Land Agitation, 1878–82’, Irish Economic and Social History, 31 (2004), 23–40.