1. J. E. E. D. Acton, ‘German Schools of History’, English Historical Review 1 (1886), 7–42 (8).
2. Harold Mah, Enlightenment Phantasies: cultural identity in France and Germany 1750–1914 (Ithaca, NY, 2003), pp. 178ff.
3. Ernst Troeltsch, Der Historismus und seine Probleme (Tübingen, 1922), Gesammelte Schriften Vol. III, p. 102.
4. George G. Iggers, The German Conception of History: the national tradition of historical thought from Herder to the present, revised edn (Hanover, NE, 1988 [orig. 1968]).
5. F. M. Barnard, Herder on Social and Political Culture (Cambridge, 1969), pp. 39–43.