1. BBK/C/254, Letter from Lord Beaverbrook to Mosley, 17 July 1930 (Beaver-brook Papers); M. Adeney, Nuffield: A Biography (London: Robert Hale, 1993), pp. 122–30.
2. S. Ball (ed.), Parliament and Politics in the Age of Baldwin and MacDonald: The Headlam Diaries, 1923–35 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), 25–28 September and 15 December 1930.
3. R. Trouton, ‘New Economic Policy No. 3’, Action, 19 November 1931, p. 4. See also R. Trouton, Unemployment: Its Causes and Their Remedies (London: Hogarth Press, 1931).
4. See J. Campbell, ‘The Renewal of Liberalism: Liberalism Without Liberals’, in G. Peele and C. Cook (eds), The Politics of Reappraisal, 1918–39 (London: Macmillan, 1975), pp. 88–110.
5. Mosley, ‘Have We A Policy?’, pp. 1–2; Nicholson, ‘A National Plan’; D. Ritschel, ‘A Corporatist Economy in Britain? Capitalist Planning for Industrial Self-Government in the 1930s’, The English Historical Review, 106/418 (1991), 41–65;