1. C. Dickens (1850), ‘The fire brigade of London’, Household Words: A Weekly Journal, I, no. 7, 11 May, 145–6.
2. J. Braidwood (1856) ‘Fires: The best means of preventing and arresting them; with a few words on fire-proof structures’, Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, IV, no. 181, 416;
3. J. Hassan (1985) ‘The growth and impact of the British water industry in the nineteenth century’, Economic History Review, new series, XXXVIII, 532.
4. GL MS.15728/2, LFEE Mins, 17 November 1834, p. 87; J. H. White (1973) ‘Origins of the steam fire-engine’, Technology & Culture, XIV, 166–9.
5. The North American experience was similar: Letty Anderson (1984) ‘Hard choices: Supplying water to New England towns’, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, XV, 211–34.