1. Department of Defense (2007) Joint Publication 1–02: Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms 12 April 2001 (As Amended Through 13 June 2007). Washington, DC: Department of Defense.
2. Frequencies/wavelengths given are approximate. Key: ELF = Extremely Low Frequency, VF = Voice Frequency, VLF = Very Low Frequency, LF = Low Frequency, UV = Ultraviolet; Adapted from: Ulaby, F. (2006) Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, pp. 26–8.
3. Hecht, J. (1984) Beam Weapons: The Next Arms Race. New York: Plenum Press
4. Anderberg, B. and Wolbarsht, M. (1992) Laser Weapons: The Dawn of a New Military Age. New York: Plenum Press
5. Hewish, M. (2000) Beam Weapons Revolution: Directed-Energy Weapons Point the Way for Battlefield Technology. Jane’s International Defense Review, Vol. 33, August 2000, pp. 34–41