1. “All Need It–HOVIS BREAD” (Advt. for Hovis bread), New Age 2 May 1907: 1.
2. “Along the Color Line”, Crisis November 1910: 3–7.
3. Ardis, Ann. “Debating Feminism, Modernism, and Socialism: Beatrice Hastings’ Voices in The New Age.” Gender in Modernism: New Geographies, Complex Intersections. Ed. Bonnie Kime Scott. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2007. 160–185.
4. Ardis, Ann. “Democracy and Modernism: The New Age Under A.R. Orage’s Editorship (1907–1922).” The Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines, Volume 1: Britain and Ireland 1880–1945. Ed. Peter Brooker and Andrew Thacker. (Forthcoming, Oxford University Press).
5. Ardis, Ann. “The Dialogics of Modernism(s) in the New Age.” Modernism/Modernity 14 (2007): 407–434.