1. Uk Heo, “The Political Economy of Defense Spending in South Korea,” Journal of Peace Research 33 (1996): 483–490.
2. Its per capita GNP grew from only $100 in 1963 to $14,000 in 2004. Currently, the South Korean economy is the eleventh largest in the world. See also John Kie-chiang Oh, Korean Politics: The Quest for Democratization and Economic Development (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1999);
3. Uk Heo and Alexander C. Tan, “Political Choices and Economic Outcomes: A Perspective on the Differential Impact of the Financial Crisis on South Korea and Taiwan,” Comparative Political Studies 36 (2003): 679–698.
4. Yung Myung Kim, “Pattern of Military Rule and Prospects for Democracy in South Korea,” in RJ. May and Viberto Selochan, eds., The Military and Democracy in Asia and the Pacific (Australia: Hurst & Co, 1998); Oh, Korean Politics.
5. Heather Smith, “Korea,” in Ross H. McLeod and Ross Garnaut, eds., East Asia in Crisis: From Being a Miracle to Needing One? (London: Routledge, 1999);