1. Portions of this discussion as well as Table 6.1 can be found in Cowles, M. G. (1998) ‘The changing architecture of big business’, Collective Action in the European Union: Interests and the new politics of associability, Greenwood, J. and Aspinwall, M. (eds) (London: Routledge), p. 114.
2. For an overview of the period from the 1950s to 1995, see Cowles, M. G. (1994) ‘The politics of big business in the European Community: setting the agenda for a new Europe’, Ph.D. dissertation, American University.
3. See also Coen, D. (1997) ‘The evolution of the large firm as a political actor in the European Union’, Journal of European Public Policy, 4 (1 March), 97–108.
4. Cowles, M. G. (1994) ‘The politics of big business in the European Community: setting the agenda for a new Europe’, Ph.D. dissertation, American University, p. 111.
5. The original name was ‘Union des industries de la Communauté Européene.’ The name was changed in 1987. For an early history, see Hammerich, E. (1969) L’Union des Industries de la Communauté Européenne dans le Marché Commun (Stockholm: Fédération des Industries Suédoises).