1. Martin Buber, I and Thou, 2nd ed, trans. Ronald Gregor Smith (New York: Scribner, 1958), 11.
2. Robert Whitaker, Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreat of the Mentally Ill (Cambridge, MA: Perseus, 2003), xiv.
3. David L. Kahn, “Reducing Bias,” in Hermeneutical Phenomenological Research: A Practical Guide for Nurse Researchers, ed. Marlene Z. Cohen, David L. Kahn, and Richard H. Steeves (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2000), 89–90.
4. Gerald C. Davison, John M. Neale, Ann N. Kring, Abnormal Psychology, 9th ed. (New York: Wiley, 2004), 635.
5. Studies of institutionalization include John K. Wing and G. W. Brown, Institutionalization and Schizophrenia: A Comparative Study of Three Mental Hospitals: 1960–1968 (Oxford: Cambridge University Press, 1970)